Coaster Set-AAD998
This is the story of the seven sisters. The sisters fled from Wati Nyiru creating the country and landscape around Andrea’s home, Mala. They created the rockhole’s, sandhills and rocky outcrops as they tried to escape. The women flew up into the sky. Now, Wati Nyiru can be seen as Orion in the sky and the sisters are the Pleiades constellation.
CROSS-CULTURAL PROJECTS - fine art - fine craft - ethical trade
We work with traditional artisans from remote regions in Kashmir, Peru, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Nepal (Tibetan refugees).
We work with Australian Aboriginal artists from remote communities across Australia, from Arnhem Land to Central and the Western Desert regions, from rural locations and from cities. Artists own the images used and it is up to them how they can be used.
Artists benefit from royalties paid to them on a monthly basis. Art centres benefit from a substantial profit share paid on their investments.
Artisans benefit by having culturally appropriate opportunities, they are able to supplement rural income by practising age-old traditions in their own homes located in remote beautiful clean villages.